
Kate Hudson Has Been Doing Pilates for 20 Years, And It Shows - 2019.07.06

19歳の時にピラティスと出会い、以来20年間欠かさないというケイト・ハドソン。40歳で3児の母なんて新人られないぐらいの美しいボディライン! 真剣にピラティスに取り組んでいるのが写真だけでも実によくわかります。

→●Kate Hudson Has Been Doing Pilates for 20 Years, And It Shows

“I was 19 when I discovered Pilates, and I’m still doing it. It’s the workout my body really responds to,” she told Shape in 2016. “It’s all about alignment, elongating your spine and strengthening your core. It makes me feel my strongest. ”

“It’s the workout my body really responds to,” she tells Shape.Pilates is always challenging. The advanced moves are amazing, but so hard. I also love TRX because it’s similar to Pilates in that you use your own body weight. But for me, Pilates is the best.


週に3〜5回のセッションを行っているそう。 女優たちの美しさとヘルシーさを兼ね備えたボディラインの獲得と維持のための努力。そして数十年単位で継続できるメンタルの強さは、生半可な決意で取り組んでいない証拠ですね
