Example of lip angioedema following filler injection. - 2021.07.28
COVID-19ワクチン接種後、ヒアルロン酸注入歴などを有する症例で、まれに痛みや腫脹などの反応が報告されている。皮膚充填剤のような異物は、免疫系が刺激されることで何らかの反応を引き起こす可能性があるという。ドイツ・Marienhospital StuttgartのLaurenzWeitgasser氏らは、COVID-19ワクチン接種後1~3日の間に乳房インプラント施行歴のある4例で注目すべき反応がみられたとし、その臨床的特徴や経過をThe Breast誌オンライン版2021年6月18日号に報告した。
→〇Potential immune response to breast implants after immunization with COVID-19 vaccines →クライアントの写真が掲載されています。
The FDA brief on the Moderna vaccine also reported reactions to dermal filler after vaccination in three patients in the experimental arm of the trial. Two of these patients had facial swelling, with one reporting filler injection 6 months prior and the other 2 weeks prior to vaccination. In the third patient who had lip swelling only, the timing of the last filler injection was unknown, and a similar reaction occurred after an influenza vaccination in the past (Fig. 2; U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2020, Zhang, 2020). All reactions resolved. Two patients in the placebo group of this trial also reported facial swelling, indicating that other possible triggers apart from the vaccine or filler could have confounded the cases in the experimental vaccine group.
→〇International Journal of Women’s Dermatology The art of prevention: COVID-19 vaccine preparedness for the dermatologist