Returning to Physical Activity After COVID-19 - 2021.08.19
米国のACSM(The American College of Sport Medicine)から、ガイドラインが発表されました。英語ですが平易な言葉で書かれているので英語が苦手な方でも理解しやすいと思います。ご興味のある方は、ぜひ下記のリンクからご参照ください。

→〇Returning to Physical ActivityAfter COVID-19
People who get COVID-19 can have different experiences. Some have no symptoms. Others
have severe symptoms leading to hospitalization. Common symptoms may include fever,
chills, chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, loss of smell and taste, rash, cold-like symptoms,
nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, headache and/or muscle aches.
Most people who’ve had COVID-19 typically feel better within days to weeks. But some
people take longer to recover. “Long COVID” is when you have symptoms that last weeks
to months after first being infected. This can happen whether you had mild symptoms or
were hospitalized for COVID-19. Long COVID symptoms can include fatigue, brain fog,
headache, shortness of breath, racing heart rate, dizziness, depression and anxiety. These
symptoms can affect your return to physical activity.
After Civid19のリハビリテーションにおけるリフォーマーの活用事例をご紹介したブログエントリーはこちら。↓↓
How the Pilates Reformer helped this COVID-19 patient during her months-long recovery