Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding - 2021.09.11
今年はハーバード大学のDan Liverman教授の講義動画の視聴にはまりました。

In this myth-busting book, Daniel Lieberman, professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University and a pioneering researcher on the evolution of human physical activity, tells the story of how we never evolved to exercise–to do voluntary physical activity for the sake of health. Using his own research and experiences throughout the world, Lieberman recounts without jargon how and why humans evolved to walk, run, dig, and do other necessary and rewarding physical activities while avoiding needless exertion.
Exercised is entertaining and enlightening but also constructive. As our increasingly sedentary lifestyles have contributed to skyrocketing rates of obesity and diseases such as diabetes, Lieberman audaciously argues that to become more active we need to do more than medicalize and commodify exercise.
Drawing on insights from evolutionary biology and anthropology, Lieberman suggests how we can make exercise more enjoyable, rather than shaming and blaming people for avoiding it. He also tackles the question of whether you can exercise too much, even as he explains why exercise can reduce our vulnerability to the diseases mostly likely to make us sick and kill us.
Daniel Lieberman, professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University, a pioneering researcher on the evolution of human physical activity, and the acclaimed author of The Story of the Human Body, will present his new book, Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding. Does running ruin your knees? Should we do weights, cardio, or high-intensity training? If exercise is good for you, why do many people dislike or avoid it? Exercised tells the story of how humans never evolved to exercise—to do voluntary physical activity for the sake of health. Using his own research and experiences throughout the world, Lieberman recounts without jargon how and why humans evolved to walk, run, dig, and do other necessary and rewarding physical activities while avoiding needless exertion. Drawing on insights from evolutionary biology and anthropology, he suggests how we can make exercise more enjoyable, rather than shaming and blaming people for avoiding it. He also tackles the question of whether you can exercise too much, even as he explains why exercise can reduce our vulnerability to the diseases most likely to make us sick and kill us.

講義前半に登場するメキシコのタラウマラ族(ララムリ)の前足部着地と彼らの独特のシューズの紹介動画はこちら。教授も登場しています。走る民族ララムリは、クリストファー・ マクドゥーガルの「Born To Run」で有名になりましたよね。彼らには(走るための)「トレーニング」という概念がないために取材時は通訳が苦労したそう。同じ21世紀を生きていても、その人が生きる環境でその活動性が大きく異なることがよくわかります。