
バイオプトロン貸出し延長! - 2019.05.04




セルビアのベルグラードの4歳の保護犬(Milaちゃん)は、車の下で発見されたときには虐待により4本の足が切断されていました。 獣医救急により直ちに治療が施されましたが、 義足を繋ぐ手術を施すにはできるだけ早期に傷を回復しなければならなかったのだそう。Milaちゃんの窮状を聞いたゼプター社がバイオプトロンを寄付。Milaちゃんは1か月間のバイオプトロンを集中的に照射により、痛みが改善し、無事に回復期まで進むことができました。その後は義足手術を受け、今では再び歩行できるレベルまで回復!元気で陽気なMilaちゃんは愛情あふれる里親に引き取られたそうです。ほんとうによかったです・・・。

BIOPTRON Light Therapy is Clinically Proven to promote healing in a range of medical conditions and injuries in humans. But this Nobel Prize winning technology is also a non-invasive, drug-free therapy tailor-made for the treatment of our beloved pets when they face health challenges! In fact, BIOPTRON is widely used in veterinary medicine across the world as an ideal medical treatment for pets and animals of every description, particularly in ensuring fast and effective wound healing and pain relief.

In this exclusive video, BIOPTRON brings you the story of Mila, a mixed breed dog who was subjected to a barbaric act of animal cruelty. Mila was found under a car, exhausted, hungry and dehydrated, with all four paws cut off. Fortunately, the 4-year-old dog was delivered to the vets at Belgrade Veterinary Clinic for treatment.

It was crucial for Mila to heal all wounds as fast as possible in order to proceed with a special leg prosthesis surgery for disabled animals. Zepter International donated a BIOPTRON Pro 1 device to the Veterinary clinic in Belgrade when it heard about Mila’s plight. It is widely accepted in Veterinary circles that BIOPTRON’s polarized polychromatic light stimulates and accelerates wound healing. BIOPTRON also has anti-inflammatory action, which stimulates the immune system and dramatically relieves pain.

After one month of extensive treatment, Mila’s wounds and pain decreased substantially, the remodelling phase began and the dog could finally have her prosthesis. Today Mila is a cheerful, healthy dog and has been adopted by a caring family. BIOPTRON once again proved its effectiveness in veterinary medicine strongly suggesting that the application of BIOPTRON Light Therapy on wounds helps prevent infection, accelerates wound healing, and decreases pain in animals.