
シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユもピラティス - 2021.03.07





Teaching STOTT PILATES® to the acrobats, contortionists and clowns at Cirque du Soleil

The gymnasts and trampoline artists, who performed in short anaerobic bursts, were extremely strong and flexible. With them, Leslie worked on balance and small range of motion exercises to activate their local stabilizers.

She used the Mini Stability Ball under their lumbar sacrum in a supine position to work on stability in an open kinetic chain, or she placed the ball in between their legs to trigger the inner thigh connection. When they occasionally used the Reformer for footwork or legs in straps, she used light load and low tension to promote stabilization.

“Most people would think than when we work with Cirque du Soleil athletes, we’d be getting them to do the STOTT PILATES Advanced material because they can, but most of the time, we were doing the opposite. We focused on very basic exercises to fire up their internal muscles rather than their big global muscles,” Leslie says.

And the result? These ripped and sculpted athletes who could flip, twirl and support themselves from ribbons in the sky couldn’t believe how Pilates made them tremble.

“One of the trapeze acrobats, he commented on how sore he was after my session. They’re used to working on mobilizing their muscles— it’s all movement, all the time, so you make them work in stillness and it’s the most challenging thing for them,” Sarah says.