
【PowerPlate&PowerPlatePulse】マンタ(エイ)の毒による敗血症と脳梗塞に対するリハビリテーション - 2022.05.10


 2014年に海で毒針を持つ巨大なエイに刺されたJoe Feyereisen氏は、エイの針に含まれる毒素により、全身敗血症を発症。それのダメージは肝臓、膵臓、腎臓、心臓、両目に及び、片目の視力と7本の指を失いました。さらにその直後に右半身の脳梗塞を発症。このため、嚥下、発語、トイレに行くなどの全てを再学習しなければならなくなり、麻痺のある身体でバランスをとる方法や、これまで利き手利き足として優位に用いていた右半身の使い方も再学習する必要がありました。




As a formerly avid skier, it is Joe Feyereisen’s dream to be able to hit the slopes again someday. In 2014, Joe had an unfortunate encounter with a manta ray in Cancun, where he contracted full body sepsis from the marine toxins of its stinger.

As a result of the sting, every major organ experienced damage, including the liver, pancreas, kidneys, heart, and eyes. Joe lost the use of one eye and 7 of his toes. Shortly after, he suffered a stroke that affected the entire right side of his body. Following his stroke, Joe needed to re-learn how to swalllow, how to talk, and even how to use the bathroom again. He also needed to learn how to balance and regain the use of his right arm and leg, which used to be the dominant side of his body.

During his recovery, Joe worked with Xavier from Xcellent Solutions LLC, where he was introduced to Power Plate. At first he was skeptical, but after seeing results, he is a believer in Power Plate. Joe works with Xavier two times a week. Initially, their goal was to get him used to standing on a Power Plate MOVE for 9 minutes at a time. Now, he is able to do mini squats, assisted drills off the plate, and is even walking from his front door to his patio door!

The Pulse has also been crucial to Joe’s recovery to stimulate blood flow and activate his muscles. Xavier says, “soon he won’t need my help at all! This is all thanks to Joe’s determination to get back on the ski slopes… and Power Plate!” Joe is currently working hard to acheive his goal of being able to ski again. We look forward to watching him continue to make progress towards that goal using Power Plate! Joe says: “We are way beyond what the doctors anticipated… I’m thankful Power Plate is part of the process.”

